Discover 10 Very Large Dog Breeds That Will Leave You in Awe

When it comes to dogs, there are many different breeds to choose from. Some people prefer small and cuddly dogs, while others prefer larger and more imposing breeds.If you fall into the latter category, then you’re in luck! In this article, we will be exploring the world of very large dog breeds that will leave you in awe. These magnificent creatures are not only impressive in size, but they also possess unique characteristics that make them stand out from the rest. So, let’s dive in and discover these amazing dogs!

1. The Great Dane: Majestic and Gentle Giants

The Great Dane is one of the most well-known extra large dog breeds. Known for their towering height and gentle nature, these majestic giants are sure to leave you in awe. Great Danes are incredibly friendly and love being around people, making them great family pets. Despite their size, they are surprisingly gentle and patient, especially with children. However, it’s important to note that due to their large size, they require plenty of space to roam and exercise.

Great Danes are often referred to as gentle giants because of their calm and friendly temperament.
Despite their imposing size, they are known for being gentle and patient, especially with children. This makes them excellent family pets and great companions for people of all ages.

Great Dane

Great Danes are known for their towering height. On average, male Great Danes can reach a height of 30-34 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 140-175 pounds. Female Great Danes are slightly smaller, with an average height of 28-32 inches and a weight of 110-140 pounds.

2. The Saint Bernard: A Gentle Giant with a Heart of Gold

The Saint Bernard is another extra large dog breed that will leave you in awe. These gentle giants are known for their massive size and friendly nature. Originally bred for rescue work in the Swiss Alps, Saint Bernards are incredibly loyal and protective. Despite their imposing appearance, they are gentle and patient, especially with children. If you’re looking for a loving and devoted companion, the Saint Bernard might be the perfect choice for you.

Saint Bernards are often referred to as gentle giants because of their friendly and patient nature. Despite their massive size, they are known for being gentle and loving, especially with children. This makes them excellent family pets and great companions for people of all ages.


Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are one of the largest dog breeds in terms of size. On average, male Saint Bernards can reach a height of 27-30 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 140-180 pounds. Female Saint Bernards are slightly smaller, with an average height of 25-28 inches and a weight of 120-140 pounds.

3. The Newfoundland: A Water-Loving Gentle Giant

The Newfoundland is a breed that combines size, strength, and a gentle temperament. These water-loving giants are known for their webbed feet and thick, water-resistant coat, which makes them excellent swimmers. Newfoundlands are incredibly friendly and patient, making them great family pets. They are also known for their protective nature, making them excellent watchdogs. If you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion, the Newfoundland might be the perfect choice for you.

Newfoundlands have a natural affinity for water due to their history as working dogs in Newfoundland, Canada. They were originally bred to assist fishermen and were trained to swim long distances and rescue people from the water. Their webbed feet and thick, water-resistant coat make them excellent swimmers and allow them to thrive in aquatic environments.


Newfoundlands are one of the largest dog breeds in terms of size. On average, male Newfoundlands can reach a height of 26-28 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 130-150 pounds. Female Newfoundlands are slightly smaller, with an average height of 24-26 inches and a weight of 100-120 pounds.

4. The Irish Wolfhound: A Regal and Graceful Giant

The Irish Wolfhound is a breed that combines elegance, strength, and a gentle temperament. These regal giants are known for their impressive height and noble appearance. Irish Wolfhounds are incredibly friendly and sociable, making them great family pets. Despite their size, they are surprisingly gentle and patient, especially with children. If you’re looking for a majestic and loving companion, the Irish Wolfhound might be the perfect choice for you.

Irish Wolfhounds are often referred to as regal giants because of their noble appearance and graceful demeanor. They have a long history of being companions to kings and nobles, and their elegant stature reflects their royal heritage. Despite their imposing size, they are known for being gentle and loving, especially with children.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhounds are one of the tallest dog breeds in terms of height. On average, male Irish Wolfhounds can reach a height of 32-34 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 140-180 pounds. Female Irish Wolfhounds are slightly smaller, with an average height of 30-32 inches and a weight of 115-140 pounds.

5. The Leonberger: A Gentle and Loving Giant

The Leonberger is a breed that combines strength, elegance, and a gentle temperament. These loving giants are known for their impressive size and friendly nature. Leonbergers are incredibly loyal and devoted, making them great family pets. Despite their imposing appearance, they are gentle and patient, especially with children. If you’re looking for a majestic and affectionate companion, the Leonberger might be the perfect choice for you.

Leonbergers are often referred to as gentle and loving giants because of their friendly and patient temperament. They are known for being incredibly loyal and devoted to their families, making them excellent companions. Despite their large size, they are gentle and affectionate, especially with children.



Leonbergers are one of the largest dog breeds in terms of size. On average, male Leonbergers can reach a height of 28-31 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 110-170 pounds. Female Leonbergers are slightly smaller, with an average height of 26-29 inches and a weight of 90-140 pounds.

6. English Mastiff – Very large dog breeds

Enter the majestic world of the English Mastiff, a colossal canine presence that commands attention and admiration. Renowned for its imposing size and gentle nature, the English Mastiff stands as one of the very large dog breeds that leave a lasting impression. With its powerful build, distinctive wrinkled face, and soulful eyes, the Mastiff embodies both strength and serenity. Despite its impressive stature, this breed is characterized by its gentle and affectionate demeanor, making it a beloved companion. Whether serving as a gentle giant in the home or a guardian of immense loyalty, the English Mastiff truly captivates with its awe-inspiring presence.


English Mastiff

 On average, male English Mastiffs typically stand between 30 to 34 inches (76 to 86 cm) at the shoulder and can weigh anywhere from 160 to 230 pounds (73 to 104 kg) or even more. Female Mastiffs are generally slightly smaller, standing around 27.5 to 32 inches (70 to 81 cm) and weighing between 120 to 170 pounds (54 to 77 kg). 

7. Tibetan Mastiff – Very large dog breeds

Step into the majestic world of the Tibetan Mastiff, a noble and ancient breed renowned for its regal presence and protective nature. Originating from the Himalayan region, this very large dog breed exudes strength, confidence, and a distinctive lion-like mane. With a thick double coat and expressive, watchful eyes, the Tibetan Mastiff is not only a guardian of territories but also a beloved companion.

Known for their loyalty and independence, these dogs have a calm demeanor but can be assertive when guarding their family and property. Whether serving as a guardian of ancient monasteries in their homeland or as a devoted family protector, the Tibetan Mastiff captivates with its majestic appearance and unwavering loyalty, leaving admirers in awe of its commanding yet gentle presence.


Tibetan Mastiff

On average, males typically stand between 26 to 29 inches (66 to 74 cm) at the shoulder, and females usually measure between 24 to 27 inches (61 to 69 cm). In terms of weight, these dogs are substantial, with males weighing between 90 to 150 pounds (41 to 68 kg) and females ranging from 70 to 120 pounds (32 to 54 kg).

8. Anatolian Shepherd Dog – Very large dog breeds

Welcome to the world of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, a magnificent and ancient breed known for its impressive size, strength, and unwavering devotion. Hailing from the rugged landscapes of Anatolia, this breed has been a steadfast guardian of livestock for centuries. With a distinctive double coat, a broad head, and a keen, watchful expression, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog embodies both power and grace.

Renowned for its intelligence and independence, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a natural protector. Whether on the vast plains of its origin or in a modern home, this breed is characterized by its loyalty and a calm, confident demeanor.


Anatolian Shepherd Dog

On average, males typically stand between 28 to 30 inches (71 to 76 cm) at the shoulder, and females generally measure between 26 to 28 inches (66 to 71 cm). In terms of weight, these dogs are substantial, with males weighing between 110 to 150 pounds (50 to 68 kg) and females ranging from 80 to 120 pounds (36 to 54 kg).

9. Scottish Deerhound – Very large dog breeds

Step into the world of the Scottish Deerhound, a regal and noble breed with a rich history that traces back to the misty hills of Scotland. This very large dog breed is a true giant, known for its graceful appearance, strength, and gentle demeanor. Moreover, with a wiry coat that comes in various colors and a distinctive, dignified expression, the Scottish Deerhound is a sight to behold.

Originally bred for deer coursing by Scottish nobility, these dogs embody both elegance and athleticism. Despite their size, Scottish Deerhounds are characterized by their gentle and friendly nature, forming strong bonds with their families. They are known for being calm and dignified but also possess a playful and affectionate side.

Scottish Deerhound

 On average, males typically stand between 30 to 32 inches (76 to 81 cm) at the shoulder, and females generally measure between 28 to 30 inches (71 to 76 cm). In terms of weight, these dogs are substantial, with males weighing between 85 to 110 pounds (39 to 50 kg) and females ranging from 75 to 95 pounds (34 to 43 kg). 

10. Caucasian Shepherd Dog – Very large dog breeds

Welcome to the world of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, a remarkable and imposing breed known for its strength, courage, and formidable appearance. Originating from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, this very large and powerful breed has a history deeply rooted in guarding livestock and properties. With a massive head, a thick double coat, and a strong, muscular build, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog also exudes an air of authority and robustness.

Renowned for its unwavering loyalty and protective instincts, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a natural guardian. Whether patrolling its ancestral landscapes or serving as a devoted protector in modern homes, this breed is characterized by its strong-willed nature and a deep sense of loyalty to its family. Despite its imposing presence, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog can be gentle and affectionate with those it considers part of its pack.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a very large and robust breed. On average, males typically stand between 25 to 30 inches (64 to 76 cm) at the shoulder, and females generally measure between 23 to 28 inches (58 to 71 cm). In terms of weight, these dogs are substantial, with males weighing between 110 to 220 pounds (50 to 100 kg) and females ranging from 99 to 180 pounds (45 to 82 kg).


Extra large dog breeds are truly awe-inspiring. From the majestic Great Dane to the regal Caucasian Shepherd Dog, these gentle giants have captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world. Their impressive size, combined with their friendly and patient nature, make them excellent companions for families of all sizes. However, it’s important to remember that owning an extra large dog breed comes with certain responsibilities. They require plenty of space, regular exercise, and proper care to ensure their health and well-being. If you’re ready to take on the challenge and experience the joy of owning an extra large dog breed, you won’t be disappointed!

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